Friday, February 20, 2009

Pay it Forward

I won, and you can too! Pay it forward!
The Rules...
1. Be one of the first three bloggers to leave a comment on this post, which entitles you to a handmade item from me.
2. Winners, you must post this challenge on your blog, meaning that you will Pay It Forward, creating a handmade gift for the first THREE bloggers who leave a comment on YOUR post about this giveaway.
3. The gift that you send to your friends can be from any price range and you have 365 days to make/ship your item. This means you should be willing to maintain your blog at least until you receive your gift and have shipped your gifts. And, remember: It's the Spirit and the thought that counts!
4. When you receive your gift, please feel free to blog about it, sharing appropriate Linky Love!
If you are not one of the Top Three Commenters on this post, you can still play along.
Start your own Pay It Forward game/link/chain, and encourage your blogging friends to do the same!
*Leave a comment even if you're not one of the top three, and who knows...maybe you'll get something anyway. :)

Monday, February 16, 2009

"Happy Anniversary Jeep and Nisha!!!"

We had a wonderful surprise this evening.....Nisha and Jeep stopped by! It is their anniversary and were out to celebrate. They were riding by and decided to stop....loved it! I gave them a tour of our new home! They are such great examples of true love for one another and of Christ-like love for others ! I really miss them in church. They have three of the cutest little children....I really miss seeing them.
Happy Anniversary and may you always be as happy as you are today!
Thank you for stopping by!
Love ya!

Happy 50th DeAnn

DeAnn blowing out her candles with help of her grandchildren!

Happy Birthday DeDe!... I love you, Mama

DeAnn with her "Sweetheart Russ"

She is such a cute birthday girl ..... such a good sport! with a great sense of humor!
DeAnn's Birthday was on February 15th...can hardly wait until that day in Feb. arrives! Everything gets better! She was a wonderful blessing born on this day to our family!
A surprise Birthday Party was given for her on Valentine's...Feb. 14th. She was really surprised and we had such a fun time! Her daughter, Rachel and family and son, Nils couldn't attend and were really missed. Her kids and grandchildren and brothers, sisters and parents were in attendance. It was really a blast. It was held at the City Office Bldg. The big sign out front was covered with "Happy 50th DeAnn" for the whole town to see!... and Mary Jo hung pictures of her all over town! She was dreading this birthday, but think she decided it was a great one! Melissa, did a good job of getting her out of town until time for the party by taking her to the Cheese Factory in Beaver.
There was lots of good food, and we all played fun games and visited! Also, fun party noise makers to greet her as she arrived! All her little grandkids had a blast and we all loved watching them.
I will post more pictures from the party! Crystal took alot. I am sure she will post them.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


The best day out of the month of February is the 15th! oh I know I always dread this month for other reason's, but always stop to remember the greatest blessing in my life is in February...Feb. 15th, the day my daughter DeAnn was born! I agree it is a month of "Love"! I love my family so much! I want to tell you she gave so much to her sister Laurie with love. She shared her birthday with her....on her birthday she was laid to rest. Now, how much more loving and special can my precious daughter be? Well, she is so special and loving to her parents in every way! We are so blessed that we were picked out of all the other parents to receive her. She is thoughtful, loving, funny and keeps up my spirits all the time....a best friend, is so understanding and helpful. I thank God everyday for her!

Now, to... the not so serious side of things. If you need a good laugh, call DeAnn, if you need a helping hand, call DeAnn, good food! you can't out-do her! just ask her Dad? he gives her a bad time all the time, telling her he is starving (does he look like it!) and here she comes with dinner for him. She is a wonderful daughter, mother, wife and grandmother. She gives me little pep talks occasionally which lifts me up and I love spending time with her. Now, a word of advise to my DeDe. When you turn 50 you have earned the time in your life to take time for yourself! Without the word guilt in your thoughts! From now on time goes very fast!!! Live, Laugh, Love", and Relax.... Just a word from the wise, your old mother.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Special Day!

Today was a really special day for me!....I have a hard time going to the hospital since our Lane left us. But, today I went there for Relief Society.....I gave the lesson, which was actually a little talk and a poem about the Season's of Life. It is important to keep it simple and upbeat to those precious little ladies.....who are so full of love and appreciation. Two of the little ladies had a blank response when greeted, but when we turned the page in the song book for them to sing, they perked right up! they love the music... I must try to go visit them often. I do know most of them. I remember how much our Lane loved company! A little lady (Jetta) whom I did her hair for 15 years is there. She was happy to see me and told me she would just love for me to come and remarked that maybe I would take her for a ride. She cried and told me she was just so homesick. These little people are so close to the otherside. They are so close to the veil and so spiritual! I love them!
Well, maybe next week my membership in the 3rd ward will be hasn't happened yet, but I am beginning to fit in.
I really miss my little friend Gladys whom I sat with every Sunday in the first ward. I visited their Gospel Doctrine Class on Sunday after going to all my blocks. Was nice to see everyone!