Thursday, November 6, 2008


By Leticia.
Okay So heres how it goes:
1.) Leave me a comment about at least 2 characteristics that you like about me.
2.) After your done with it copy and paste this to your page.
3.) See how many people will comment you, what characteristics do they like about you? So Go!! Comment.


LambFam said...

Hey I am so glad you found us. I didn't know you were related to Jeep and Nisha I was friends with them in high school and I saw Nisha a lot in college. Small world huh!
This is way more than two characteristics oh well. I would love to see the pictures from the wedding my email is Good to hear from you!

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

You are super CREATIVE/CRAFTY, and you are one STYLISH grannie. You have tons more characteristics, but these two are my favorite. You are like Martha Stewart and can do anything and make anything look gorgeous. And anything you wear looks trendy. What can I say, I have one hot grandma! Grandpa Swede is one lucky guy :)

LittleMissTicia(: said...

U r a very pretty gramma you are supersuper nice. u make good food you r crafty, you are an awesome gram and i love you!!
theres much more. Love u,