Sunday, November 9, 2008

OK, here's some "Oldies"

Just for fun! I found some pictures of Swede and I. He was 17 and I was 15 years old. Not taken at the same time. When he was 17, I was 13. Wow! what a long time ago that was!
By the way, now you all know my secret..."I never have been a true blonde! This was my natural hair color. What becoming a beautician will do for ya!..
Do blondes have more fun?...
probably not, but you can see them better in the dark!


The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

What a handsome, young man and a foxy little lady. No wonder you guys have such gorgeous grandchildren :)

Jeep and Nisha's Family said...

Wow, I didn't know you were a brunette! You guys were and ARE a good-lookin' couple. :-D

Rachel said...

What a good looking couple of kids. We love & miss you, Grandma & Grandpa. Lance needs to see you soon--doesn't Grandpa need his beard brushed? :)